Metal Axe Gallery of concert photos and coverage.
Rains sweepstake winning report and Five Finger Death Punch “Share the welt tour” report
During the fall of this year my son and I wanted to report the tour but missed out in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The next best thing was to enter the “Rains” sweepstakes on face book on a wing and a prayer chance of winning. Many people still haven’t heard the group “Rains” yet and are really missing out on an awesome sounding band.
One question to you to prove a point, “When you listen good music rock and metal and you go to bed. What type of song is stuck in your head when you wake up?” The answer my family and I both came up with is the “Rains” song “Liar”.
The songs from the other groups sounded great and “Five Finger Death Punch’s”, songs stuck with me too. A good song will grip a person and won’t let them go. I don’t say this because I won the contest I share the over all opinion of my family.
I love most forms of musical expression and report only the groups and music that I like and/or have a chance to report for “Concert Photos Magazine” face book group and their webpage. I usually have to pay for all my family and I expenses reporting as a hobby. We plan our vacations around concerts in place of going to fun park riding on rollercoaster rides.
We choose to rock on a sonic rollercoaster ride of pure sonic energy. “Rains” first caught my eye on the contest and so I took a listen to them on I was impressed with their music and the other bands on tour I’ve seen two out of the three. “Five Finger Death Punch” and “Hatebreed” both at Mayhem Fest.
My family and I can relate to the musicians because we play music and other arts. I refer to most musicians as artist and also as poets because that how I am and see them as more than just a musician.
One thing that stuck with me at the concert that night is what “Ivan Moody” said about family. He mentioned about his little brother Chad helps him on tour. He reminded me of a MMA fighter and was there for his brother helping with the show. Ok people this is a compliment I wish I was built like an MMA fighter.
When my family and I met “Rains” and hearing what “Ivan Moody” said makes me think that the groups are more like each group is a family. Working hard together to put on an awesome concert. And all the groups under one big family of Five Finger Death Punch.
When my family first made it to the hotel in Chicago we met up with the publicist for “Rains”, Luke D. very professional, down to earth, and easy going. We enjoyed his company and professionalism with every aspect of going to the concert. And also meeting the group “Rains” and having my family and I get photos with them.
Then for the show we chose to be up on the balcony area to watch the show.
“Rains” rocked the crowd with the first song.
Tearing Us Apart: This song was a great pick for the first song. Rule number one in concerts is, “your first song has to grab the crowd and get them interested in your group, and it did.” A total sonic package that grabbed everyone’s attention and kept you rocking.
Fake: The Second song kept the crowd going and moving with pure rock poetry and riffs.
Pressure: The third song that needed to keep the crowd rocking before the two showcase songs that you’ll never forget once you hear them.
Liar: The fourth song is pure rock poetry belting out the lyrics and sweet riffs that compliment the lyric in an arrangement that grabbed the attention of my family so much that the next day my family woke up thinking of the lyrics.
Look In My Eyes: The last song that is the one played on the radio to get people interested in there music and also to get the crowd to keep following their music after the concert.
What I liked about “Rains” is that they have their own identity not copying any other group. From their playing style of music of clear clean thunder riffs to the belting out the lyrics. I hope to hear their music played more on the radio because they deserve to skyrocket to stardom.
Hatebreed: The second group of the show that slammed people around with their music and lyrics. Getting everyone in the theatre jumping up and down singing their songs word for word. Their would be good listening to while working out hitting a heavy bag at the gym or weight lifting with an ipod on.
It gets you moving you can’t stand still with their sonic attacks.
All That Remains: With an awesome light show, great vocals, and spotlight shreds from the guitars. What stood out about this group was Oli awesome guitar shreds the notes per minute had to be in the teens and made it sound good too.
My son and I had the honor to meet Oli after the show. A very gifted artist/musician that flat shreds.
Five Finger Death Punch: I knew they put on a great show with the lights. Sonic attack from all the guitars. I enjoyed their drum stand that would raise up. Ivan Moody’s killer vocals belting out sonic attacks getting the crowd roaring.
I liked how Ivan kidded around with the crowd which made the crowd connect with him and his group. He is one of the best metal vocalist in the world. He also has a very powerful and charismatic stage presence.
All the groups at the show my family and I felt were very gifted artists/musicians.
It was well worth the effort to make it to the Rivera Theatre, Chicago I don’t regret it at all. Rock On “Rains”, Rock Hard “Hatebreed”, Rock Loud “All That Remains”, Rock Proud “Five Finger Death Punch”. My family looks forward to seeing you all in 2012 again. Your friend and reporter (nosforotu poet) Dan Spratt copyright 12/20/2011.
Supporting the arts all things music not just rock and metal. All photos are copyright protected at the date of creation and publishing. Use of material all or in part is prohibited without permission of the authors, gallery or photographers. All rules must be followed as required by photographers and authors: Dan Spratt, Andrew Spratt, Kayla Spratt, Pamela Spratt. We neither support or not support any of the groups covered and remain neutral in the coverage of them.
Some of the bands covered here.

Friday, December 23, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Mayhem Fest 2011
Mayhem Fest 2011
Tinley Park, Illinois
This year my family still decided to ignore all the fun park and water park advertisements and go to Mayhem Fest.
Where my assistant 20 year old son and I bathed in the sonic chaos we call metal.
This year we decided to interview four groups band members. The groups were Red Fang, Kingdom of Sorrow, Unearth and Straight Line Stitch. The members that we had the chance to interview had many things in common and were laid back down to earth people to speak with.
We were caught up in interviews unfortunately and missed a few of the shows. It was worth it to speak with the band members and noticed we had much in common with them musically.
The groups that we did photograph were as follows:
Red Fang: I realized with Red Fang they casually walked up on stage and started playing they brought the metal thunder. My son and I both were blown away sonically by the quality of their metal. Their music speaks for them and says, “Stand back and get blown away with the music.”
We both decided that their cd or mp3 purchases would focus on their album. Three criteria we base how good the music is:
1.) Cruise ability = a definite yes, rolling the windows down in the car and cruising.
2.) Gym workout = Lifting weights and cardio workouts we require good metal to keep us going. And sometimes get into the music and let out a metal roar or growl. A yes for #2.
3.) Party Ability = A yes also, for being able to get a crowd charged with their music and have a good time vibe.
Kingdom of Sorrow: This group was very impressive bringing the metal as well again I need to get the cd or download the album on my mp3. Getting the crowd roaring when they played. Playing thundering riffs and the singer surfed the crowd for a few minutes.
The three criteria again were the same:
1.) Cruise ability = Yes it be cruise able bringing metal chaos to the road.
2.)Gym work = Yes perfect for weight lifting getting energized and growl some at the gym but try not to get kicked out.
3.)Party ability = Yes, the crowd at the party may trash your yard and make a mosh pit.
Hatebreed, All Shall Perish, Suicide Silence: All these groups a Mayhem Fest brought a high quality metal show. Sonically blowing the crowd away with their metal. At times with all these groups I had to stop take in the music and then get back to photographing them.
My son and I both enjoyed it so much we couldn’t argue about who we liked most they all rocked. Straight Line Stitch I want to photograph but only had time to interview I was blown away by their music videos that I liked so much I had to share them with all my musician friends on face book..
Unearth we enjoyed their music video as well, I share their music video with my musician friend also. They blew my son and I away with the metal.
All the groups before the main show were very high quality metal shows. If they would I’d buy each ones cd’s or I’m going to buy them for my mp3.
Machine Head: They put on an awesome music and light show to start out the main stage. I never heard them before and realized I should have been listening to them they were sonically bringing the thunder.
Megadeth: I was waiting all day just to see Dave Mustane play his double neck flying vee . I could only dream of purchasing an awesome metal axe such as what he was playing. I wanted to get and 12/6 double neck guitar and didn’t know which one to get.
The dean double vee’s tone is excellent for what I want. I wanted both for one of my songs I’m writing. And Dave is so inspiring to pick one up and do my thing bringing the thunder like he does day in day out.
Megadeth’s lighting was so very colourful you get caught up in the stimuli overload of colors and sonic metal thunder, just have to stop again and absorb the stimuli. Covering the shows meeting rock stars that were very nice to talk to with my metal son helping to report. And I thank them for inspiring me but more importantly inspiring my son to maybe start a band.
Godsmack : They put on a good show starting with special mention of supporting our troops I and really like their patriotism. Bring the thunder of their music as well as the light show that will make your brain go into stimuli overload. They moved around the stage so everyone had a chance to get good pictures to share with all the metal heads.
If I have a chance to cover Mayhem Fest again I will because of the good quality metal they bring to the show.
By Nosforotu Poet and Andrew Spratt reporters for concert photos magazine.
Tinley Park, Illinois
This year my family still decided to ignore all the fun park and water park advertisements and go to Mayhem Fest.
Where my assistant 20 year old son and I bathed in the sonic chaos we call metal.
This year we decided to interview four groups band members. The groups were Red Fang, Kingdom of Sorrow, Unearth and Straight Line Stitch. The members that we had the chance to interview had many things in common and were laid back down to earth people to speak with.
We were caught up in interviews unfortunately and missed a few of the shows. It was worth it to speak with the band members and noticed we had much in common with them musically.
The groups that we did photograph were as follows:
Red Fang: I realized with Red Fang they casually walked up on stage and started playing they brought the metal thunder. My son and I both were blown away sonically by the quality of their metal. Their music speaks for them and says, “Stand back and get blown away with the music.”
We both decided that their cd or mp3 purchases would focus on their album. Three criteria we base how good the music is:
1.) Cruise ability = a definite yes, rolling the windows down in the car and cruising.
2.) Gym workout = Lifting weights and cardio workouts we require good metal to keep us going. And sometimes get into the music and let out a metal roar or growl. A yes for #2.
3.) Party Ability = A yes also, for being able to get a crowd charged with their music and have a good time vibe.
Kingdom of Sorrow: This group was very impressive bringing the metal as well again I need to get the cd or download the album on my mp3. Getting the crowd roaring when they played. Playing thundering riffs and the singer surfed the crowd for a few minutes.
The three criteria again were the same:
1.) Cruise ability = Yes it be cruise able bringing metal chaos to the road.
2.)Gym work = Yes perfect for weight lifting getting energized and growl some at the gym but try not to get kicked out.
3.)Party ability = Yes, the crowd at the party may trash your yard and make a mosh pit.
Hatebreed, All Shall Perish, Suicide Silence: All these groups a Mayhem Fest brought a high quality metal show. Sonically blowing the crowd away with their metal. At times with all these groups I had to stop take in the music and then get back to photographing them.
My son and I both enjoyed it so much we couldn’t argue about who we liked most they all rocked. Straight Line Stitch I want to photograph but only had time to interview I was blown away by their music videos that I liked so much I had to share them with all my musician friends on face book..
Unearth we enjoyed their music video as well, I share their music video with my musician friend also. They blew my son and I away with the metal.
All the groups before the main show were very high quality metal shows. If they would I’d buy each ones cd’s or I’m going to buy them for my mp3.
Machine Head: They put on an awesome music and light show to start out the main stage. I never heard them before and realized I should have been listening to them they were sonically bringing the thunder.
Megadeth: I was waiting all day just to see Dave Mustane play his double neck flying vee . I could only dream of purchasing an awesome metal axe such as what he was playing. I wanted to get and 12/6 double neck guitar and didn’t know which one to get.
The dean double vee’s tone is excellent for what I want. I wanted both for one of my songs I’m writing. And Dave is so inspiring to pick one up and do my thing bringing the thunder like he does day in day out.
Megadeth’s lighting was so very colourful you get caught up in the stimuli overload of colors and sonic metal thunder, just have to stop again and absorb the stimuli. Covering the shows meeting rock stars that were very nice to talk to with my metal son helping to report. And I thank them for inspiring me but more importantly inspiring my son to maybe start a band.
Godsmack : They put on a good show starting with special mention of supporting our troops I and really like their patriotism. Bring the thunder of their music as well as the light show that will make your brain go into stimuli overload. They moved around the stage so everyone had a chance to get good pictures to share with all the metal heads.
If I have a chance to cover Mayhem Fest again I will because of the good quality metal they bring to the show.
By Nosforotu Poet and Andrew Spratt reporters for concert photos magazine.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Harborfest 2011 South Haven, Michigan
Metal Axe Gallery of concert photos and coverage.
Harborfest 2011
Three rock bands on Friday the 17th, the headline band Firehouse and two warm up bands. The 1st was South of Paradise which is a local rock band and the 2nd band was Outer Vibe an alternative rock band from the Grand Rapids area.
South of Paradise: The group brought a very good sounding rock show playing some cover songs. From many popular bands as ZZ top’s sharp dressed man, the beatles twist and shout, Eric Clapton’s coke -caine. And also played some of their own written music.
All the music was played superbly and got the audience singing along with them. I look forward to hearing them bring the rock again.
Outer Vibe: They brought a unique blend of music, I got a chance to get the set list.
Princess of sin.
The looks she’s given.
On the run.
Crossroads of desire.
What ever you like.
I got a feeling a Cover song.
We’ve created a monster.
Blitzkrieg Bop a cover song.
You reset my heart.
Rock a roll.
Girlfriend’s a witch.
Fight for your right a cover song.
Rock child.
I enjoyed for cover songs Blitzkrieg Bop because I am a Ramone’s fan and also for punk a Clash fan also. I am also a Beastie Boy’s fan also so Fight for your right, I enjoyed. And for their own written songs I enjoyed them and really liked Crossroads of desire and Girlfriend’s a witch. Then for the main event.
Firehouse: Okay to start out my son is 20 and Firehouse has been bringing the Rock for over 20 years. My son doesn’t usually like anything other than heavy metal and thrash metal and doesn’t usually say anything good about rock groups it’s rare very rare. But for Firehouse he loved all the music they played and had nothing bad to say. Me I feel the same way everyone in the group brought an awesome show getting the crowd singing with their songs. Their play list had all their popular songs throughout the years and sounded excellent live.
Hold Fire.
Shake and tumble.
All she wrote.
Ought to be a law.
Hold on.
When I look into your eyes.
Lovers lane.
Door to Door.
Drum solo this was awesome shaking the ground and the crowd.
Love of a lifetime.
Reach for the sky.
Don’t treat me bad.
Ok they even did a cover song “highway to hell” by AC/DC. They were selling a new cd called “Full Circle” I don’t usually by cd’s at concerts but I made an exception and also got the cd autographed by the group. If you have a chance to get this cd do so it’s worth the money you’ll enjoy all your favorite songs performed by Firehouse. My son and I both got to meet the group and we told them how much we’ve enjoyed their music throughout the years and to keep on rockin. I’d like to say a special thanks to Don Patterson, Kenny Goff of the harborfest 2011 and also Mark Peterson of sound EFX production services. My family enjoyed the show and can’t wait to report on more shows to come. By Dan Spratt a.k.a. face book name “nosforotu poet” and Andrew Spratt.
Harborfest 2011
Three rock bands on Friday the 17th, the headline band Firehouse and two warm up bands. The 1st was South of Paradise which is a local rock band and the 2nd band was Outer Vibe an alternative rock band from the Grand Rapids area.
South of Paradise: The group brought a very good sounding rock show playing some cover songs. From many popular bands as ZZ top’s sharp dressed man, the beatles twist and shout, Eric Clapton’s coke -caine. And also played some of their own written music.
All the music was played superbly and got the audience singing along with them. I look forward to hearing them bring the rock again.
Outer Vibe: They brought a unique blend of music, I got a chance to get the set list.
Princess of sin.
The looks she’s given.
On the run.
Crossroads of desire.
What ever you like.
I got a feeling a Cover song.
We’ve created a monster.
Blitzkrieg Bop a cover song.
You reset my heart.
Rock a roll.
Girlfriend’s a witch.
Fight for your right a cover song.
Rock child.
I enjoyed for cover songs Blitzkrieg Bop because I am a Ramone’s fan and also for punk a Clash fan also. I am also a Beastie Boy’s fan also so Fight for your right, I enjoyed. And for their own written songs I enjoyed them and really liked Crossroads of desire and Girlfriend’s a witch. Then for the main event.
Firehouse: Okay to start out my son is 20 and Firehouse has been bringing the Rock for over 20 years. My son doesn’t usually like anything other than heavy metal and thrash metal and doesn’t usually say anything good about rock groups it’s rare very rare. But for Firehouse he loved all the music they played and had nothing bad to say. Me I feel the same way everyone in the group brought an awesome show getting the crowd singing with their songs. Their play list had all their popular songs throughout the years and sounded excellent live.
Hold Fire.
Shake and tumble.
All she wrote.
Ought to be a law.
Hold on.
When I look into your eyes.
Lovers lane.
Door to Door.
Drum solo this was awesome shaking the ground and the crowd.
Love of a lifetime.
Reach for the sky.
Don’t treat me bad.
Ok they even did a cover song “highway to hell” by AC/DC. They were selling a new cd called “Full Circle” I don’t usually by cd’s at concerts but I made an exception and also got the cd autographed by the group. If you have a chance to get this cd do so it’s worth the money you’ll enjoy all your favorite songs performed by Firehouse. My son and I both got to meet the group and we told them how much we’ve enjoyed their music throughout the years and to keep on rockin. I’d like to say a special thanks to Don Patterson, Kenny Goff of the harborfest 2011 and also Mark Peterson of sound EFX production services. My family enjoyed the show and can’t wait to report on more shows to come. By Dan Spratt a.k.a. face book name “nosforotu poet” and Andrew Spratt.
The Unseen artist song
The Unseen Artist song
You don’t know me, and I’m nothing to you, yeah you don’t know me and I’m nothing to you.
But don’t tell me what to say, think or do because.
Chorus: It’s not about you and it’s not about me yeah it’s not about you, and it’s not about me.
It’s about the artist we can’t see.
Painting on a canvas of infinity.
If you could see beyond yourself you’d realize there’s more out there than the earth and sky.
Ever changing, ever rearranging.
Painter of the earth and sky.
Chorus: It’s not about you and it’s not about me yeah it’s not about you, and it’s not about me.
It’s about the artist we can’t see.
Painting on a canvas of infinity.
Can you see it?
Can you feel it?
The art all around even sprouting from the ground.
Chorus: It’s not about you and it’s not about me yeah it’s not about you, and it’s not about me.
It’s about the artist we can’t see.
Painting on a canvas of infinity.
I call him God the infinite artist father, son, and holy spirit.
By NoS482 04/26/11 revised 07-04-11
You don’t know me, and I’m nothing to you, yeah you don’t know me and I’m nothing to you.
But don’t tell me what to say, think or do because.
Chorus: It’s not about you and it’s not about me yeah it’s not about you, and it’s not about me.
It’s about the artist we can’t see.
Painting on a canvas of infinity.
If you could see beyond yourself you’d realize there’s more out there than the earth and sky.
Ever changing, ever rearranging.
Painter of the earth and sky.
Chorus: It’s not about you and it’s not about me yeah it’s not about you, and it’s not about me.
It’s about the artist we can’t see.
Painting on a canvas of infinity.
Can you see it?
Can you feel it?
The art all around even sprouting from the ground.
Chorus: It’s not about you and it’s not about me yeah it’s not about you, and it’s not about me.
It’s about the artist we can’t see.
Painting on a canvas of infinity.
I call him God the infinite artist father, son, and holy spirit.
By NoS482 04/26/11 revised 07-04-11
Friday, February 11, 2011
Motorhead cd review
Motorhead’s: The World Is Yours
I am writing this cd review because of how much I like the cd. I am a poet, music writer, painter, and blues/rock/metal guitarist so I look at the total package of the music I and my son listen to. Going into reviewing a cd I and my son decided to look at three things most rock n roll and metal heads alike want out of an album.
1. Cruise-ability: Can you drive down the major cruise spots of your town with the music blasting with pride? Can the music keep you going even if you play it for a long road trip? Does your hand start to twitch wanting to turn up the music even louder than what you have it, knowing if you do you’ll lose your hearing??
This cd I would proudly rock out to as loud as I could without getting a noise violation citation like my son and I got for playing “One” by Metallica to loud and scaring the tourist where I live. I found my hand want to turn up the volume with each song I listen to.
Forget coffee on long trips all that I’d need is this cd and a few other choice cd’s to keep me and everyone else energized the whole trip.
2. Mp3 gym workout: Can you rock out to the music while doing exercise such as weightlifting free weights, running on the treadmill, weight machine work out, cycling, and running on the track?
This cd has a fast tempo throughout the songs, and the words both are perfectly blended to give you a charge of energy throughout the cd. It would be perfect to workout to with your Mp3,4,5.
3. Party ability: Can you rock out to the music at a party with pride to keep the crowd moving and energized?
This cd would keep a crowd moving full of energy it would be perfect at a party.
Lemmy belts out the lyrics with the music into a perfect blend that will knock you back and give respect for him and his band’s metal ability.
The Songs:
1. Born To Lose: This song is one of my most favorite. Because of the beginning chords were very powerful to blast you back from the speakers. And I am addicted to sustain of a chord. The longer it rings out and shakes the windows the more I like it. Metal poetry in motion talking about the evil in a person.
2. I Know How To Die: Powerful fast tempo metal riffs throughout the whole song. This would be one where people start moshing in a mosh pit.
Fast tempo metal songs is what my song craves and this is it. I also like this one because it keep you going. Perfect if you go on a road trip.
3. Get Back In Line: This is one of them where Lemmy belts out the lyrics with the music into a perfect blend that will knock you back and give respect for him and his band’s metal ability. Guitar solo really caught my ears and is one of my favorite solos on the cd.
4. Rock N Roll: The starting riffs of the rock n roll chords give you a pure rock n roll vibe to the total song. Lemmy belts out a pure rock n roll lyrics that you’d expect from the title. Loved the total song for a rock n roll vibe I’d rate it a 9.5 to a 10, but I hate rating by numbers I’d rather be honest and tell why something is good.
5. Waiting For The Snake: The tempo of the starting riffs of this song gradually progress faster and faster. I love the metal poetry of this song and talking about the world.
6. Brotherhood Of Man: This is one of the most gripping metal songs on this album for me because. I wrote 2-3 beatnik style poems that relate to what he is says on this song. Talking about the world and what the human race seems to be. The starting riffs knock me back with surprise and metal enjoyment.
7. The Devil’s In My Head: This is the most poetically visual song on the album. You can actually visualize what he singing about. He paints a picture with his words of a metal masterpiece.
8. Outlaw: I enjoyed the starting drums blast out at you fast and hard mixing with guitar perfectly. This is another song that is very visual as well. Viewing the life of an outlaw and what happens.
9. I Know What You Need: Powerful metal poetry starts out slamming you in the face. And what I enjoyed in this song is how the chords would climb into a solo.
10. Bye Bye Bitch: Pure rock n roll start up telling a story in the song of revenge, pay backs, and karma. I love what Lemmy said about the blue eyes in the song changing color and how he describes the woman in this song.
Overall my son and I love this album and Motorhead deserves more recognition than what they get this album is a must buy for any metal head or even rock n roll fan. Lemmy and his group are metal royalty in my point of view right along side Black Sabbath. You’ll enjoy listening to this cd as much or more than my son and I did.
By nos482 “nosforotu poet” 02/11/11
I am writing this cd review because of how much I like the cd. I am a poet, music writer, painter, and blues/rock/metal guitarist so I look at the total package of the music I and my son listen to. Going into reviewing a cd I and my son decided to look at three things most rock n roll and metal heads alike want out of an album.
1. Cruise-ability: Can you drive down the major cruise spots of your town with the music blasting with pride? Can the music keep you going even if you play it for a long road trip? Does your hand start to twitch wanting to turn up the music even louder than what you have it, knowing if you do you’ll lose your hearing??
This cd I would proudly rock out to as loud as I could without getting a noise violation citation like my son and I got for playing “One” by Metallica to loud and scaring the tourist where I live. I found my hand want to turn up the volume with each song I listen to.
Forget coffee on long trips all that I’d need is this cd and a few other choice cd’s to keep me and everyone else energized the whole trip.
2. Mp3 gym workout: Can you rock out to the music while doing exercise such as weightlifting free weights, running on the treadmill, weight machine work out, cycling, and running on the track?
This cd has a fast tempo throughout the songs, and the words both are perfectly blended to give you a charge of energy throughout the cd. It would be perfect to workout to with your Mp3,4,5.
3. Party ability: Can you rock out to the music at a party with pride to keep the crowd moving and energized?
This cd would keep a crowd moving full of energy it would be perfect at a party.
Lemmy belts out the lyrics with the music into a perfect blend that will knock you back and give respect for him and his band’s metal ability.
The Songs:
1. Born To Lose: This song is one of my most favorite. Because of the beginning chords were very powerful to blast you back from the speakers. And I am addicted to sustain of a chord. The longer it rings out and shakes the windows the more I like it. Metal poetry in motion talking about the evil in a person.
2. I Know How To Die: Powerful fast tempo metal riffs throughout the whole song. This would be one where people start moshing in a mosh pit.
Fast tempo metal songs is what my song craves and this is it. I also like this one because it keep you going. Perfect if you go on a road trip.
3. Get Back In Line: This is one of them where Lemmy belts out the lyrics with the music into a perfect blend that will knock you back and give respect for him and his band’s metal ability. Guitar solo really caught my ears and is one of my favorite solos on the cd.
4. Rock N Roll: The starting riffs of the rock n roll chords give you a pure rock n roll vibe to the total song. Lemmy belts out a pure rock n roll lyrics that you’d expect from the title. Loved the total song for a rock n roll vibe I’d rate it a 9.5 to a 10, but I hate rating by numbers I’d rather be honest and tell why something is good.
5. Waiting For The Snake: The tempo of the starting riffs of this song gradually progress faster and faster. I love the metal poetry of this song and talking about the world.
6. Brotherhood Of Man: This is one of the most gripping metal songs on this album for me because. I wrote 2-3 beatnik style poems that relate to what he is says on this song. Talking about the world and what the human race seems to be. The starting riffs knock me back with surprise and metal enjoyment.
7. The Devil’s In My Head: This is the most poetically visual song on the album. You can actually visualize what he singing about. He paints a picture with his words of a metal masterpiece.
8. Outlaw: I enjoyed the starting drums blast out at you fast and hard mixing with guitar perfectly. This is another song that is very visual as well. Viewing the life of an outlaw and what happens.
9. I Know What You Need: Powerful metal poetry starts out slamming you in the face. And what I enjoyed in this song is how the chords would climb into a solo.
10. Bye Bye Bitch: Pure rock n roll start up telling a story in the song of revenge, pay backs, and karma. I love what Lemmy said about the blue eyes in the song changing color and how he describes the woman in this song.
Overall my son and I love this album and Motorhead deserves more recognition than what they get this album is a must buy for any metal head or even rock n roll fan. Lemmy and his group are metal royalty in my point of view right along side Black Sabbath. You’ll enjoy listening to this cd as much or more than my son and I did.
By nos482 “nosforotu poet” 02/11/11
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